Parts of Speech Types, Exercise

What are Parts of Speech?

All the words in English can be divided into 8, or more groups according to their function in the language. These groups are traditionally called parts of speech.

The Eight Parts of Speech

The table represents Functions and Examples of different kinds of parts of Speech.

Parts of SpeechFunctionExampleExample Sentences
Nounthing or personpen, dog, music, town, India, teacher, RamThis is my dog. He lives in my house. We live in India.
Pronounreplaces a nounI, you, he, she, ItTara is Indian. She is beautiful.
Adjectivedescribes a noungood, big, red, well, interestingMy dogs are big. I like big dogs.
Verbaction or state(to) be, have, do, like, work, sing, can, is a web site. I like AAtoons Study.
Adverbdescribes a verb, adjective or adverbquickly, silently, well, badly, very, reallyMy dog eats quickly. When he is very hungry, he eats really quickly.
Prepositionlinks a noun to another wordto, at, after, on, butWe went to school on Monday.
Conjunctionjoins clauses or sentences or wordsand, but, whenI like dogs and I like cats. I like cats and dogs. I like dogs but I don’t like cats.
Interjectionshort exclamation, sometimes inserted into a sentenceoh!, ouch!, hi!, wellOuch! That hurts! Hi! How are you? Well, I don’t know.

1. Noun: A noun is a word that identifies a person, animal, place, thing, or idea.

Example: (boy, theatre, school, idea, tree, happiness etc.)

  • Aditya is a good boy. 
  • Kolkata is the best city.

2. Pronoun: A pronoun is used instead of a noun, to avoid repeating the noun.

Examples: (I, you, he, she, it, we, they etc.)

  • Aditya is a good boy.
  • He gets up early in the morning.

3. Adjective: An adjective is a word that describes a noun. It tells you something about the noun.

Examples: (big, small, thin, horrible, beautiful, quick, slow etc.)

  • Arush loves his beautiful daughters.
  • His daughters also love their caring father.

4. Verb: A verb is a word which describes an action (doing something) or a state (being something).

Examples: (Move, talk, think, believe, live, like etc.)

  • Ravi is going home.
  • He loves his home.

5. Adverb: An adverb is a word which usually describes a verb, adjective and adverb. It tells you how something is done. It may also tell you when or where something happened.

Examples: (slowly, intelligently, well, yesterday, here etc.)

  • He is running fast. 
  • She always reads attentively.

6. Preposition: A preposition joins the noun to some other part of the sentence.

Examples: (on, in, by, with, under, through, at etc.)

  • I am going to France.
  • France is in Europe.

7. Conjunction: A conjunction joins two words, phrases or sentences together.

Examples: (but, so, and, because, or etc.)

  • Julie love chocolate and chips.
  • She loves pasta, but she hates pizza.

8. Interjection: Interjections are words that express emotion or surprise, and they are usually followed by exclamation marks.

Examples: (Wow! , Alas!, Hurray!, Oh no! Etc.)

  • Oh! I am late for the office.
  • Oh! That feels terrible.
  • Alas! They have lost the match.

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