Adverb Introduction Types and Exercise

Adverb – Introduction

What is an adverb?
An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, another adverb, or even a whole sentence.

Adverbs typically express manner, place, time, frequency, degree, level of certainty, etc., answering questions such as how, in what way, when, where, to what extent.


  • I will come soon.
  • I will come later.
  • She is very beautiful.
  • He is quite handsome.
  • I always try my best.
  • I never give up.

Soon, later, very, quite, always, and never are adverbs in the given examples.

Kinds of adverb

1. Adverbs of Manner

These adverbs describe how an action is performed. Example: quickly, slowly, carefully, etc.


  • Brilliantly: He played brilliantly.
  • Quickly: He ran quickly.
  • Well: He swims well.
  • Beautifully: She sang beautifully.
  • Loudly: The dog barked loudly.

2. Adverbs of time

These adverbs indicate when an action takes place. Example: now, yesterday, soon, etc.


  • Later: I will call you later.
  • Yesterday: They arrived yesterday.
  • Soon: Ram is leaving soon.
  • Early: She always wakes up early.
  • Recently: I saw him recently.

3. Adverbs of place

These adverbs specify where an action occurs. Example: here, there, nearby, etc.


  • There: He came over there.
  • Ahead: The dog ran ahead.
  • Inside: She looked inside the box.
  • Outside: He stood outside the house.
  • Upstairs: The kids played upstairs.

4. Adverbs of frequency

These adverbs express how often an action is performed. Example: always, often, rarely, never, etc.


  • Always: I always brush my teeth before bed.
  • Sometimes: I sometimes eat ice cream for breakfast.
  • Never: I never lied to my parents.
  • Often: I often go to the park on weekends.
  • Rarely: I rarely get sick.
  • Usually: I usually get up early in the morning.

5. Adverbs of degree

These adverbs indicate the intensity or extent of an action or quality. Example: very, extremely, really, quite, etc.


  • Very: The cake is very delicious.
  • Quite: The weather is quite nice today.
  • Really: I really like your new haircut.
  • Extremely: He is extremely talented.
  • Almost: I am almost finished my homework.
  • Completely: I completely agree with you.

6. Adverbs of cause or reason

These adverbs show why an action is performed. Example: therefore, consequently, because, etc.


  • Therefore: I studied hard, therefore I passed the test.
  • Consequently: She was late for work, consequently she was fired.
  • Hence: He was tired, hence he went to bed early.
  • Thus: I am hungry, thus I am going to eat.
  • Because: I am going to the store because I need to buy some milk.
  • Since: I am wearing a coat since it is cold outside.
  • Lest: I should study hard lest I fail the test.

7. Adverbs of condition

These adverbs express the circumstances under which an action occurs. Example: if, unless provided, etc.


  • If: If you study hard, you will pass the test.
  • Unless: You cannot go to the party unless you clean your room.
  • Whether: Whether you go to the party or not is up to you.
  • As long as: I will stay here as long as you need me.
  • In case: I am bringing an umbrella in case it rains.

8. Interrogative adverbs

These adverbs are used to ask questions about time, place, manner, reason, etc. Example: when, where, how, why, etc.


  • How: How did you get here?
  • Why: Why did you do that?
  • Where: Where are you going?
  • When: When will you be back?
  • Whose: Whose car is this?

9. Relative adverbs

These adverbs introduce relative clauses and relate to time, place, or reason. Example: when, where, why, etc.


  • Where: The house where I grew up is now for sale.
  • When: I remember the day when we first met.
  • Why: This is the reason why I couldn’t attend the party.
  • Where: The park where we had a picnic is beautiful.
  • Where: Do you know the place where he works?

10. Conjunctive adverbs

These adverbs connect two clauses or sentences together. Example: however, therefore, furthermore, etc.


  • However: However, I still managed to finish the project on time.
  • Therefore: Therefore, we should start planning for the trip.
  • Moreover: Moreover, the team worked well together to achieve the goal.
  • On the other hand: On the other hand, she prefers tea instead of coffee.
  • Additionally: Additionally, he is fluent in Spanish and French.

Exercise on Adjective:

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs from the box.

Occasionally, Sometimes, usually, very, never, mostly,

  1. I _____ go to school at 9 o’clock.
  2. I have ______ been to New York.
  3. My friends are _________ vegetarians.
  4. I was _________ happy to see him again.
  5. I watch films_________.
  6. They _______ come to visit me.


  • 1. usually
  • 2. never
  • 3. mostly
  • 4. very
  • 5. occasionally
  • 6. sometimes

B. Identify the different types of verbs

He ran quickly.Quickly – adverb of manner
Please come here.Here – adverb of place
She arrived now.Now – adverb of time
They went outside to play.Outside – adverb of place
He is always late.Always – adverb of frequency
She sings loudly.Loudly – adverb of manner
The concert will begin soon.Soon – adverb of time

C. Rewrite the sentence using an adverb:

She sings beautiful.She sings beautifully.
He reads books often.He often reads books.
The sun shines brightly.The sun shines brightly.
They speak English.They speak English fluently.
He always arrives early for meetings.He arrives early for meetings always.
She sings with passion.She sings passionately.
She dances with grace.She dances gracefully.
It was a very hot day.It was an extremely hot day.
He speaks in a loud voice.He speaks loudly.
The cat jumped on the table.The cat jumped onto the table.
She walked to the store.She walked slowly to the store.

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